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■ DB피아: https://www.dbpia.co.kr/
■ AI타임지: https://www.aitimes.com/
■ 주간기술동향 : et="_blank">https://www.itfind.or.kr/publication/regular/weeklytrend/weekly/list.do
■ 정보통신정책연구원: https://eiec.kdi.re.kr/policy/domesticView.do?ac=0000157466
■ 삼성 SDS 인사이트 리포트 : https://www.samsungsds.com/kr/insights/2023-ai-survey.html
■ SPRI 소프트웨어정책연구소 : https://spri.kr/posts/view/23637?code=data_all&study_type=issue_reports... 더보기
- 전체 4 건 (1/1페이지)
2019년 비즈니스 트렌드입니다. 참고하세요.
The rise of explainable AI
As organizations rely more on artificial intelligence and machine learning models, how can they ensure they’re trustworthy?
Natural language humanizes your data
Advancements in NLP systems enable all people to unlock natural conversations with data.
Actionable analytics put data in context
BI platforms evolve to put data where people want to take action.
Data collaboratives amplify social good impact
Focused efforts from public and private-sector organizations strengthen ‘data for good’ movement.
Codes of ethics catch up to data
In light of regulations like GDPR, leaders assess the future of ethical data practices.
Data management converges with modern BI platforms
Governed data curation bridges the gap between data and business.
Data storytelling is the new language of corporations
Finding and communicating data insights is now a team sport.
Enterprises get smarter about analytics adoption
What happens when leaders focus less on adoption and more on engagement?
Data democracy elevates the data scientist
Data scientists develop soft skills to drive organizational change.
Accelerated cloud data migration fuels modern BI adoption
Data is moving to the cloud faster than ever, driving organizations to rethink their data strategy.
Read more at https://www.tableau.com/reports/business-intelligence-trends#xAcwxM4oDPpCzwsj.99... 더보기

포브스가 발표한 Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends For 2019
https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2018/09/11/top-10-digital-transformation-trends-for-2019/#1e9df3ba3c30... 더보기
2. Chatbots Good to Great
3. Connected Clouds (Public, Private, Hybrid)
4. Blockchain Finally Understood and Flops (kind of)
5. Data to Analytics to Machine Learning to AI
6. GDPR Forces Brand Hands
7. AR Yes, VR (Still) No
8. Edge to Core and IoT Much More
9. Consumption-Based IT Services for the Win (FTW)
10. CEOs Take the Reins... 더보기

가트너 그룹이 발표한 2019년 10대 전략기술 트렌드입니다.
Blockchain, quantum computing, augmented analytics and artificial intelligence will drive disruption and new business models.
Although science fiction may depict AI robots as the bad guys, some tech giants now employ them for security. Companies like Microsoft and Uber use Knightscope K5 robots to patrol parking lots and large outdoor areas to predict and prevent crime. The robots can read license plates, report suspicious activity and collect data to report to their owners.
These AI-driven robots are just one example of “autonomous things,” one of the Gartner Top 10 strategic technologies for 2019 with the potential to drive significant disruption and deliver opportunity over the next five years.
“The future will be characterized by smart devices delivering increasingly insightful digital services everywhere,” said David Cearley, Gartner vice president and Fellow, at Gartner 2018 Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, Florida. “We call this the intelligent digital mesh.”
Intelligent: How AI is in virtually every existing technology, and creating entirely new categories.
Digital: Blending the digital and physical worlds to create an immersive world.
Mesh: Exploiting connections between expanding sets of people, businesses, devices, content and services.
“Trends under each of these three themes are a key ingredient in driving a continuous innovation process as part of the continuous next strategy,” Cearley said.
The Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology trends highlight changing or not yet widely recognized trends that will impact and transform industries through 2023.... 더보기
- 공지사항이 없습니다.
- 2019년 비즈니스 트렌드입니다. 참고하세요. https://.. (2020.01.29 ebio21 , 댓글 1)
- 포브스가 발표한 Top 10 Digital Transformat.. (2018.11.08 필승 , 댓글 1)