아이티랩 - [영어명언] 레온틴 프라이스_Leontyne Price

If you're not feeling good about you, what you're wearing outside doesn't mean a thing만일 당신이 스스로에 대해 좋은 느낌을 갖지 못한다면, 당신이 겉에 입고 있는 것은 아무런 의미가 없습니다.레온틴 프라이스_Leontyne Price미국의 소프라노 가수Fashions come and go. The in clothes you wore last year are probably out today. And no matter what you wear, you're still you underneath them. You can't pull self-esteem on like a T-shirt. Yon can't zip up confidence like a pair of jeans. If you're not happy with yourself, no one will notice your clothes. They'.......

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