아이티랩 - 영어명언_요한 볼프강 괴테(Johann von Goethe)

What you can do, or dream you can, begin it. 당신이 할 수 있는 일, 혹은 꿈꿀 수 있는 일이라면, 시작해보세요. It's always exciting to start a New Year. Anything can happen. Some people make New Year's resolutions - promises to themselves. Some people list goals they want to achieve. Yon may want to try this: Write down you dreams for the year. What do you hope will happen? What would you like to do? Put your list away until the end of the year. Then look at it to see how many of your dreams came true. 새해를 시작하는 것은 언제나 흥분됩니다. 어떤 일이든 일어날 수 있어요. 어떤 사람들은 새해의 다.......

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