아이티랩 - 그날그날 UI디자인 & UX디자인 아이디어 2018. 2. 27.

그날그날 UI 디자인 & UX 디자인 아이디어 2018. 2. 27. by Dannniel by It was fun teaming up with the homely team to redo their branding and excited to share the final. Here is a little bit of the logo process, much mo... David Kovalev by Hi guys I made a new concept of Nikelab app. I tried to create new interactions that allow you to switch pages faster. If you like it, don't h... Kévin Gautier "그날그날 디자인" 페이스북 페이지 방문하기 스크랩 자유, 공유 자유, 링크 자유

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