아이티랩 - 그날그날 UI디자인 & UX디자인 아이디어 2017. 5. 17.

그날그날 UI디자인 & UX디자인 아이디어 2017. 5. 17. Boosted Boards by Dann Petty Always available full-time freelancer, host of epicurrence.com, father of 3, pro surfer (web), be.net/dannpetty for more work — email yell@dannpetty.com TAGS home page landing landing page skateboard ui ux video video bg https://dribbble.com/dannpetty AdCamp by Michał Kociszewski TAGS animation landing page liquid material design mobile app motion pastels responsive shadows website https://dribbble.com/kociszkocisz The Football F.......

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