아이티랩 - TED 영어 " 고양이들은 왜 그런 행동을 할까요?"

Why do cats act so weird? Tony Buffington 내가 고양이가 아니어서 고양이의 행동이 이해가 안되는 부분이 많다. 나는 고양이가 아니기에... Why do cats do that? They're cute, they're lovable, and judging by the 26 billions views of over 2 million YouTube videos of them pouncing, bouncing, climbing, cramming, stalking, clawing, chattering, and purring, one thing is certain: cats are very entertaining. Throughout time, cats were simultaneously solitary predators of smaller animals and prey for larger carnivores. Grizmo doesn't need these particular skills to find and hunt down dinner in.......

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