아이티랩 - [영어명언] 올리버 웬델 홈즈_Oliver Wendell Holmes

The human mind, once stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original domensions.인간의 정신은, 새로운 사고로 확장되고 나면, 원래의 차원으로 절대 돌아가지 않습니다.올리버 웬델 홈즈(Oliver Wendell Holmes)미국의 내과의사이자, 시인, 유머작가, 의학과 문학 모두에서 중요한 업적을 남겼다.There are many ways to stretch your mind. One is by trying to see the other side of an argument. Another is by staying open-minded, williing to hear and think about new ideas. Brain-teasers and puzzles are good mind-strstchers. So are books on topic that you don't know much about. What's your .......

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