아이티랩 - [영어명언] 밀드레드 뉴먼_Mildred Newman

When you do something you are proud of, praise yourself for it.당신이 자랑스러워하는 무엇인가를 할 때, 그것에 대해 스스로를 칭찬해 주십시오.밀드레드 뉴먼(Mildred Newman)미국의 여성 심리학자. 자기 계발분야에 많은 책을 남겼다.Some people simply can't praise themselves. No matter how well they do something, they think it's not good enough.These people are perfectionsts. If you have this problem, try this tip from perfectionism expert Miriam Adderholdt-Elliott: Go to a mirror and say, "I'm okay." It may feel weird at first, but keep doing it until you start belie.......

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