
좋아요! :

1. 5G Fixed to 5G Mobile
2. Chatbots Good to Great
3. Connected Clouds (Public, Private, Hybrid)
4. Blockchain Finally Understood and Flops (kind of)
5. Data to Analytics to Machine Learning to AI
6. GDPR Forces Brand Hands
7. AR Yes, VR (Still) No
8. Edge to Core and IoT Much More
9. Consumption-Based IT Services for the Win (FTW)
10. CEOs Take the Reins
... 더보기

게시자 : 필승
최초게시 : 2018.11.08 10:27
최종댓글 : 2018.11.08 11:29
글수 : 2

대한민국 IT 연구소

